  [email protected]       02 8592 1664
  [email protected]       02 8592 1664
Our Programs

Kinder Gymnastics

AAGI > Programs > Kinder Gymnastics

Kindygym activities for children under the age of five years comes under the banner of Gymnastics for All. Our club’s program follows the Kindergym Australia Guiding Principles, which has an underlying philosophy of learning through play. Parents are encouraged to participate with their children as they explore and learn through movement based activities.


  • Is lots of fun
  • Develops balance, co-ordination and confident body movement
  • Builds self-esteem, strength and flexibility, preparing the body & mind for life's challenges
  • Provides heaps of variety.....so there is something for everyone
  • Is a sport for life
  • Is conducted within a safe environment which caters for personal growth and development
  • Develops healthy minds and bodies for now and later life

Our classes are

Ladybirds Age 2 yrs –  4.5 yrs Monday to Friday at 10:00 am, Saturday at 8:30 am and Sunday at 9:30 am

Grasshoppers Age 4.5 yrs – 5.5 yrs  Monday to Friday at 11:00 am,  Saturday at 8:30 am and Sunday at 9:30 am

“We are all aware of the benefits of exercise and even more so to start from a young age and keep our bodies active through life. A critical developmental age for children is between 3-5 years when their bodies are heightened physically and emotionally, as they prepare for school. To aid this developmental process, Kindergym can help immensely. Exercising in a fun and controlled environment allows muscles to grow, building a strong body for life. Kindegym uniquely challenges muscle development due to the diversity of the schedule and promotes the philosophy that exercise is fun. When you consider that the heart is a muscle too, you’re giving your child the gift of life. During an average Kindergym workout, the increased demands on the body and muscle system mean blood is pumped more efficiently. This improves the sense of well-being, promotes happiness, increases confidence, boosts mood and concentration at school and reduces the risk of illness. The young body is growing at such an extensive rate at this age and it is an ideal time to develop good postural habits to support the muscles during growth. This is also the perfect opportunity for your child to develop a strong core, which is the foundation of the body and essential for good movement. Parents have often remarked how this fun and dynamic class has had so many more benefits, as listed above, than building a strong body alone. Overall the advantages of Kindergym far outweigh the time spent on devices at home and by giving your kids a chance to shine during their early childhood development, you are setting them up to maintain good skills for life. Strong body, strong mind. “ 
By Lauren Turner
AAGI Club Physio 

Please check our timetable and availability!

AAGI Contact Info

Academy of Acrobatics and Gymnastics International is located right next to Warringah Mall.

27-29 Cross Street
Brookvale, NSW 2100

02 8592 1664
[email protected]

Social Info

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